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Educational Facilita is a Web application which assists users understand textual content available on the Web.

The WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) through the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) in the Success Criteria 3.1.3 acknowledge the importance of providing mechanisms to help users to understand unusual words that might be presented on Web sites. Educational Facilita, in this context, automatically adapts Web sites content in order to provide mechanisms that present users with synonymous or short definitions for words which are classified as unusual or difficulty to be understood by the user. Educational Facilita also displays additional and complementary informations about named entities that are contained on the Web sites text.

It is expected that these additional informations presented in the text through the proposed approach would help users better understand Websites’s textual content and allow users to learn the meaning of new or unusual words/expressions.

Educational Facilita is part of the PorSimples project and was developed for the Mozilla Jetpack for Learning design challenge.